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Green Fields

K I N G D O M   F I E L D S

Kingdom Fields is a translation of our last names ‘Koning’ which means king  and ‘Van Acker’ which means from the field. Kingdom Fields refers to our calling to bring a piece of Gods Kingdom to earth.  

For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. 

1 Corinthians 3:9

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Our vision is to cultivate hopeful futures together. We strive for sustainable change by working alongside the local community with a humble and enthusiastic heart. Our aim is to address areas with significant healthcare and education needs, while simultaneously seeking connections with individuals. We want to initiate meaningful relationships through family-life, the local church and music. Our main goal is to show the hope of Jesus.  


To cultivate is to put intentional care and effort to foster growth, improvement, or development. Cultivating takes time. We are committed to plow, water and sow for long term and we look forward to see a plentiful harvest.

The harvest is plentiful
but the workers are few.
Matthew 9:37

Hopeful futures

Being able to read and write or to receive the right medical care can spark a promising tomorrow.
We would like to invest in these important pillars of society: education and healthcare.

We believe, however, that the fullness of hope can only be found in knowing Jesus.


Sustainable change is only possible when carried by a local community. We will look for opportunities to fruitfully collaborate with local leaders. "Together" also extends to our own family. We firmly believe that our two sons play a pivotal role in deepening our integration and forging meaningful connections.

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